To get all important and timely information related to your SAP product(s), please make sure to update and maintain your contacts and associated roles using the SAP for Me portal. Watch this short video to learn more or follow an easy step-by-step process below:
Assigning contacts in SAP for Me
- Log in to SAP for Me
- Select your SAP product
- Click on "Contacts"
- Navigate to the "Product-Related Contacts" section
- Choose "Assign Contact"
- Start typing the name until it appears
If the contact is not yet known by SAP
- Contact one of your company's administrators
- Using the Support User Management application in SAP ONE Support Launchpad, the administrator can request an S-user ID for the contact
- Once requested, the new contact will receive details about ID and its activation in an email
- Once the ID has been activated, the new contact can be assigned to a product in SAP for Me
Want to learn more?
Check out the attached one-pager, which includes short 'How-to' videos on case handling, license consumption, and much more!
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